WUSC Radio’s Oddities and Enmities Radio Show Blog: “(A) Move to Silent Unrest”

This article originally appeared on the WUSC Radio’s Oddities and Enmities Radio Show Blog.

Afrobeat is working its way closer into the mainstream every year, and 2007 is no exception having seen so many releases. CAbP keep a bright spotlight on their influences while dancing around a lot of obscure genres. Jeff Parker from Tortoise is noted as working with the band frequently, but since they’re from Chicago, it’s pretty much a given that a Tortoise member is somehow involved. Silly me, thinking that the similarities were a coincidence. Most of the songs have long runtimes, but they transition so much that you’ll never feel worn out. (A) Move to Silent Unrest is simply the best orchestrated Afrobeat album of the year.

The Daily Page: “Scoops for the week of Oct. 5-12”

This article originally appeared in The Daily Page.

Co-owner Steve Manley may not look a day over 30, but B-Side Records on State Street celebrates its 25th anniversary this month. To commemorate the event, the B-Side family will have a bash at the High Noon Saloon on Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 5 to 8 p.m. Musical guests include MaeRae and the Runners Up. The public is welcome. MP3s are not.

The Chicago Afrobeat Project has planned a series of shows in Madison through the end of 2007. A staple of the Chicago live music scene, the Project fuses African rhythms with rock and experimental jazz. The group will perform the first Thursday of each month at Café Montmartre through December.

Speaking of Café Montmartre, step inside after work some Thursday (5:30 to 7:30 p.m.) for the best-kept secret in local music: Ben Sidran playing organ in an intimate setting. Sidran is an international star of jazz and pop, and you can hear him here for free.