The band had a great time during our 10 show run to the Rockies and back. Great spring weather, skiing (or in Marshall’s case snowboarding), hiking, and of course, playing lots of shows for mostly new audiences. Opening for Buckethead at the Park West kicked off the tour which ran through Des Moines, Lawrence, Boulder, Winter Park, Steamboat, Dillon, Laramie, and Denver. On an anti-climactic note, the Pizzeria show in Omaha was cancelled. Not before we ate our 8th pizza dinner of the tour together! (Every club assumes we’d like nothing better than a nice cheese pie when we settle in. After 10 shows of it you’ll want to quit pizza for months). Still, you can look for us in Omaha most likely by the end of the summer, back to the kind wait staff and warm cheese piles, and of course, the miles and miles of endless brown plains of grass off the highway. Next up is a few days in the Carolinas. We’ll see you ‘rado folks in a couple months. Lookin’ forward to more Fig 8’s and some fresh Pow-Pow (and some ra-a-a-d Afrobeat jammies)!!

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